Wild Blue Yonder

‘Where are they going?’ asked Toby.

I told him I don’t know but it could be almost anywhere.

‘Anywhere would be better than here,’ he said. ‘They must be going somewhere fun and exciting!’

I told him that some might be going on a fun vacation but as many were probably going home or on a work trip. It’s funny how when looking at this airplane or perhaps a Facebook feed that it seems like everyone else is having a grand time while we sit at home buying groceries and washing dishes.

‘Well, that’s boring stuff and not fun,’ he exclaimed!

I know, I said. But it’s what everyone does for most of their time. Shouldn’t you try to find a way make what you do most of the time fun and enjoyable?

Toby didn’t say anything - he was too busy trying to get the credit card out of my wallet so he could buy a ticket to Antigua.

Sony A1, 100mm, f/5.6, 1/125sec, iso1000

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