Regal Eagle

Toby wanted to know why I took a photo of an ugly bird. I told him that the pelican was sure he looked amazing, but Toby went on about the long beak and the ugly feet. ‘I’m pretty sure that’s a peli-raptor and I’m surprised he didn’t try to eat you!’ he exclaimed. I told him that the pelican did watch me pretty closely but it isn’t a dinosaur and it doesn’t eat people.

‘Well, it looks pretty mean,’ he said. I told him that you shouldn’t judge someone by the way they look and oh, by the way it has your eyes.

‘My eyes?’ he cried! ‘How did it get my eyes? When did that happen? How am I seeing?’

Settle down, I told him. It’s just a figure of speech to say you both have something in common.

Toby wasn’t convinced and wandered off wondering how he was supposed to go get his eyes back from the peli-raptor.

Sony A1, SEL100400GM, 100mm, f/5.6, 1/800sec, iso125

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