
Toby said, ‘I feel like I’ve gone back in time, but you claim you took this in Pittsburgh just last week.’

‘Where are all of the other buildings? And why does it look like the Alps in the background?’ he asked. ‘The Alps aren’t in Pittsburgh!’

I told him that originally I was going to throw this picture away because it had a dreary white sky with a skyscraper and trees all around the building, but something kept catching my eye. I did some cropping and then got rid of the skyscraper on the right and replaced the sky. A little work to get rid of a couple of modern items on the roof and it looked pretty good. I felt like it needed an anchor on the lower right to keep it from floating off into the sky. I picked this mountain shot because it matched the sky and felt a little like the Alps though I think it’s actually the Grand Tetons.

‘So basically you are back to lying with your pictures again?’ he complained.

I told him that I took some artistic liberties, but that’s why I call the website Painting with Photons. If I could draw I would probably have called it Painting with Paint.

‘Sophistry!’ he said.

Sony A1, SEL100400GM, f/4.5, 100mm, 1/640sec, iso100

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