
Toby wanted to know why I changed the color of the water in this photo, but I told him I hadn’t.

‘Water isn’t that color,’ he complained. ‘It’s clear in my bowl and blue in the sea. This water in this picture is turquoise!’

I told him that the water here was shallow and gentle so it is very clear, and because it is warm there isn’t as much phytoplankton to color and cloud the water.

He didn’t really believe me. ‘You can’t see to the bottom of the ocean! Even little puppies know that.’

I tried to tell him that the name Bahama is a derivative of the Spanish ‘baja’ and ‘mar’ for shallow water but he was having none of it.

‘I’m sure you just used one of those filter thingies in Photoshoppy. One of these days someone is going to call you out and then there’ll be a duel and you’ll get shot and then who will feed me!’ he wailed.

I tried to tell him the last duel in America took place in 1859 but he was just looking at his food bowl and drooling.

Sony A1, SEL100400GM, f/4.5, 100mm, 1/2500sec, iso100

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