
Toby wanted to get out of the house and go for a ride. Actually, though, that’s the last thing he wanted to do. He was in an accident when he was younger and agrees with Ralph Nader that ‘those infernal contraptions are unsafe at any speed.’

In any event, it was time to get out and take some pictures of Nashville so off we went while he protested the whole way. We checked out the Parthenon and then drove over to Centennial Park. Here we discovered where the elves moved after the end of the Third Age of Middle Earth. Apparently they love the bachlorette parties and the whoo-whoo girls that attend them. Probably they find country music appealing too!

Toby saw something shiny and noticed that one of the elves must have dropped a magic ring just to the right of their towers. He wanted to investigate.

I told him to be careful or else he might be turned into a newt! He warned me that the fiction wasn’t going to hold up much longer if I kept mixing my Tolkien with Monty Python but I reminded him that they were all British so it was OK.

Sony A1, SEL100400GM, f/5.6, 1/1000sec, iso100