A Little Taste of Heaven

Toby didn’t get to go. He offered to wear his dark glasses and tap around with his cane, but I had to let him know that the service dog was supposed to be of service not need service. He pouted and said that United Airlines needed to get out of the dark ages and change its discriminatory policy towards dogs.

Over Christmas, I had told my daughter that I was planning to go visit Paris in April. She immediately piped up that she wanted to go. I reminded her that non-revving wasn’t a guarantee and sure enough we ended up in Amsterdam. It was actually a good thing as I remembered that people traveled from all over the world to see the tulips there in April. It was a beautiful day to walk around the Keukenhof Gardens and take pictures.

United Airlines got us to Europe and the next day Air France got us to Paris, so everything worked out well in the end. Sometimes it’s good that plans get upended or else we probably never would have seen the tulips!

Sony A1, SEL100400GM, f/5.6, 1/125sec, iso200