
My son decided to join the Marine Corps Reserve, so I was down in Beaufort, SC for his boot camp graduation.

I had the wide-angle lens with me for a change and the trees in the hotel parking lot looked very promising. After I got back to the computer and looked at the photos, I thought that this crazy view must be how squirrels see their homes.

Toby saw the pictures and agreed. He said that squirrels are always dashing about and zipping back and forth like they are on coke. He thought this psychedelic tree must look normal to them.

When I asked how he knew what it would be like to be high on coke, he pleaded the 5th and stopped talking. I think he’s been watching too much Law and Order when I’m not home…

Sony A1, SEL1635GM, 16mm, f/2.8, 1/1600sec, iso100

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