
Toby saw this and immediately said that it looked like I’d been to the museum again. When I told him that it was from the airplane that I flew passengers around in he was quite concerned.

‘It’s in black and white,’ he exclaimed! ‘And it’s got physical switches and stuff! It doesn’t even look like its got a touch screen much less voice control! How does the government allow you to fly this antique around over my head! What if it crashes into me?’ he wailed.

I tried to tell him that it’s very safe, but then he continued, ‘It looks like it’s upside down. How can you fly that thing when everything is backwards like that?’ I was getting ready to explain but he had already run off to find a helmet to protect himself.

A1, SEL100400GM, 400mm, f/5.6, 1/125sec, iso1000

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