Cloud City

Toby was worried I’d get sued if I didn’t change the title of this photo.

‘It looks like something from Star Wars and I’m afraid that if you get sued and lose all of your money and then I won’t get to eat!’ he exclaimed. ‘Darth Vader isn’t very nice and he’ll probably be unhappy!’

I told him that it was a photo of the control tower at the Las Vegas airport and tried to remind him that Darth Vader was a fictional character, but he wasn’t finished yet.

‘But what about the multiverses we saw in the Spiderman movie?’ he wailed. There must be lots of universes with Darth Vaders and I just can’t take that chance!’ Just then he saw the Roomba go by and was convinced the Empire was about to descend upon him.

I tried to make him feel better by reminding him that Stormtroopers are famous for being such poor shots that they can’t hit the broad side of a barn with their blasters, but he was already in hiding.

A1, SEL100400GM, 125mm, f/5, 1/640sec, iso100

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