
I was in Aruba on vacation and took this photo from my hotel room. The weird planet wasn’t actually there, the sky was mostly just a pale blue and the wizard wasn’t trying to conjure up a storm. On the other hand, the other tower of the hotel was pretty cool.

Toby was pretty irritated that he didn’t get to go to Aruba. When I told him that he was too big to go on the airplane he said he was going to start a discrimination lawsuit - class action at that. I asked him if he even knew what a class action lawsuit was, and he guessed that it was ‘classy?’.

He then tried to change the subject and said I spent too much time working on my photos in Photoshop. He said if I spent a little more time in camera and just took a decent shot up front, that I’d have more time to take him to the dog park and pet him and do other useful stuff like take him on vacation. When I reminded him that he didn’t even like riding in the car he just said, ‘hmmmph!’

A1, SEL100400GM, 400mm, f/5.6, 1/500sec, iso 100

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