Waiting for Spring

20201217 A7_05216 Urbana Snow Storm-1.jpg

A mix of snow, freezing rain and sleet was the perfect excuse to not go anywhere. Fortunately there is something to see everywhere and ice is just as exotic (or mundane) no matter where you go.

Toby didn’t understand why the houses looked upside in the ice but when I explained that it was due to optical qualities of the ice acting like a lens and that his own eye reflected light upside down and his brain had to correct for it, he just stared at me. Quoting Maverick from the new Top Gun movie he said, “ ‘It’s one of life’s mysteries’. Stop trying to ruin it with all of your science and such.” I do believe he’s either a poet or a flat-earther.

A7riv, SEL100400GM, f5.6, 1/8000sec, iso800

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