The Halls of Power

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During my trip to Washington DC I passed by this place that looked like it came straight out of a history book.

Toby saw it and said he heard the British had burned Washington DC during the War of 1812 and wondered how this building had survived the conflagration. I shook my head at his choice of words then told him the war had ended over 200 years ago and there had been plenty of time to rebuild since then. He wasn't convinced and said that it didn’t burn because it was made of stone and that it must be too heavy to knock over. He suggested that it was more likely that the British just built a campfire then claimed they had burned the city.

He asked about the purpose of the building and I told him that politicians met there to have discussions about 'important' things. He wasn't sure exactly what a politician was but thought it sounded bad and was sure there must be a topical cream or pill that could help with their condition. I told him that was just what we called our officials that made laws and other policies. He said he didn't see any politicians in my photo. 'Do they flee the light,' he asked? 'Perhaps they are like vampires,' he continued.

I suggested that they were probably discussing whether talking dogs should have to pay taxes - that shut him up.

A7Riv, SEL1635GM, 26mm, f/5.6, 1/125sec, iso800

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