Night Sweets

Toby was peering over my shoulder at this picture and started drooling on my keyboard.

‘I think my tummy is rumbling - why don’t I ever get this for dinner?’ he complained.

I reminded him that dogs aren’t supposed to eat dessert. It’ll make your tummy more than rumble…

‘Well, where is it? I’m going to get some anyways!’ he exclaimed.

I told him that it was in a shop in New York City and that it was very far away. I reminded him that he didn’t like the car, that it was too far to walk and that they wouldn’t let them on an airplane. Unfortunately, there’s no way for you to get there, I said.

To make him feel better I let him know that I didn’t get any either. They say that New York is the city that never sleeps but apparently this place didn’t get the memo and was closed at 2am.

Sony A1, SEL70200GMII, 200mm, f/2.8, 1/80sec, iso1600