
Toby was incredulous. ‘I’m incredulous!’ he exclaimed. ‘You claim you take all of these pictures yourself, but I don’t believe it!’

Having nothing else to do, I decided to ask him what he was getting at.

‘Well, this picture is all black and whitey and has all of those little dots all over it so it must be from long ago. I think must be a bomb from World War II and I know you weren’t around then so you much be stealing these pictures,’ he said. ‘From what I’ve seen on TV, everything looked like this until the ‘50s or ‘60s. It must have been amazing for people to wake up one day and have the world suddenly be in color!’

After I processed all of the non sequiturs, I told him that while color film became readily available about that time, but the world has always been in color.

He wasn’t deterred, ‘But it looks like something really weird. Isn’t it near that strange chair in the woods? And a shipping container? Is this a portal to that island from Lost? Is there a button that has to be pushed? Are we going to have smoke monsters?’ He suddenly started wailing.

I told him to settle down and that he needed to stop watching so much TV while I was out.

I agreed that it’s a really strange thing to be out in a field, but Lost was a TV show and there are no smoke monsters.

As usual he wasn’t convinced and wandered off to go make himself a tin foil hat.

Sony A1, SEL1635GM, 16mm, f/2.8, 1/1000sec, iso 100

Toby told me to create a photography guide. It’s over 30 pages and available for free! Download it now.

Stop the Scroll!

How to Improve Your Photography without Buying a New Camera or Having to Learn Photoshop


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