City of Angels

20200908 A7_05092 Boston-1 Black and White 4.jpg

I was recently assigned a passenger transport mission to Boston. As exciting as that sounds, 20 hours at the airport hotel definitely didn’t. Lemonaids from lemon as Toby is wont to say, so upon advice of counsel I decided to take the water taxi over to downtown rather than the (much) cheaper train. On the way I got some nice shots of the skyline. Toby took one look at the finished photo and said he didn’t think Boston looked that way in the middle of the day. Furthermore, he said, ‘The processing must reflect some inner turmoil - a struggle between angels and devils’. I told him thanks for the pop psychology but I was just trying out some black and white processing techniques. He just watched me out of the corner of his eye and refused to go to sleep for a long while.

A7Riv / SEL1635GM 35mm, f/2.8, 1/800sec, iso100

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