
20210211 A7_05672 Urbana Snow-4.jpg

I was complaining that with every state having different COVID rules and hotel kitchens often being closed when we arrived that I was having to lug along an extra bag with food for my trips. I don’t remember that being on the recruiting poster when I signed up for the job, but more importantly it’s making it difficult to bring the camera along on my trips. I was told to ‘Suck it up, Buttercup’ because, well, everyone is so eloquent these days.

Toby was a little more helpful and suggested I take him for a walk and bring along the camera to see if the recent snow storm had made for any interesting pictures. Eventually we came upon this tree which caught my eye. Toby said, ‘Oh great, a solitary tree in a field. How much more unoriginal can you get?’ I said, ‘Oh hush. There’s something about the way it appears to be standing up and defiantly pushing out its chest as if to say, winter has no power over me - I like it.’

Toby said, ‘You tend to anthropomorphize, don’t you?’ I thought about it for a moment and then said, ‘I’m standing out in the snow and talking to a golden retriever so I suppose you have a point.’ That made him happy.

A7Riv, SEL2470GM, f6.3, 1/320sec, iso100

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