Patiently Waiting

I was in a field taking pictures when this chair caught my eye.

When I got home, Toby saw it and was full of questions. ‘What is that chair doing there?’ I told him didn’t know. ‘Who put it there?’ I told him I didn’t know. ‘Why is there a trashbag on the seat?’ Again, I didn’t know. ‘What’s the washcloth for?’ Still another mystery, I supposed. ‘What do you know?’ he asked. I think it’s been there for a while, I told him.

‘Are you a Know Nothing?’ he asked. He said he had read about a political party in the 1850s that Knew Nothing. He wasn’t sure how they were different than other political parties other than perhaps they admitted it?

I warned him that he was treading on thin ice again and he’d better be careful because some people might not think he was all that funny. I told him that the Know Nothings were a political party that opposed slavery only because it competed with free labor and opposed Catholics and immigrants in general for the same reason. Most likely they didn’t like dogs either. They were sworn to secrecy and when asked, they would say they ‘Knew Nothing.’

Toby was aghast. ‘I’m aghast!’ he exclaimed! ‘How could they not like dogs?’

A1, SEL100400GM, 400mm, f/5.6, 1/125sec, iso200

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