Lion King Terminator

A7_04863-1 Horizontal Eye Vertical Pupil.jpg

I showed Toby this picture and he had nightmares for a week. “It’s bad enough I keep dreaming of some evil, mechanical cat chasing me in my dreams, but now Disney and Ahnuld are going to come sue you and make me homeless!” I told him not to worry and that he was being redundant because all cats think they are starring as evil supervillains in their own little personal movies, but he went back to staring at the Keurig and wondering how to operate it so he could stay awake a little longer.

I finally took my camera along on a trip for the first time since April. It was nice to get out of the hotel and walk around in Salt Lake City, but for some reason the photo that stuck wasn’t the Mormon’s Salt Lake Temple or some other iconic Salt Lake photo but this light fixture from the Grand America Hotel. Some help from the Liquify Filter (and yes, it has uses besides that one) and an eye was taking shape. Initially I thought it was just a vanilla Terminator calling, but the stripes said otherwise. Who says you need mushrooms to have visions?

A7Riv / SEL1635GM 16mm, f/2.8, 1/125sec, iso200

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