By Any Other Name

20200517 A7_02375 Urbana Roses.jpg

Toby said it was time to take his morning constitutional. I was incredulous, “Morning constitutional? Do you even know what that means?” He said he had been watching British dramas on the BBC and was endeavoring to emulate their sensitivities. I told him to knock it off with the SAT words.

So I took him out and while he reconstituted, he looked over at the roses by the front walk and mused, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” I started to wonder what that pill I was putting into his morning meal was really doing to him and asked him what he was talking about. He said he had just made that up and that no matter what that flower was called it would smell just as nice. I reminded him that William Shakespeare wrote that over 400 years ago and he just rolled his eyes.

After his point out, I spent the next 90 minutes taking photos of the roses while people waking by wearing masks thought I was the strange one. When showed him the photos he questioned my use of f-stop. He asked if I was’t worried about diffraction and dust spots. I told him the results speak for themselves.

See more on the website at Other Collections - Roses.

A7Riv / SEL100400GM 185mm, f/36, 1/60sec, iso100

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