End of Days

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Toby saw this and wondered if the world was coming to an end. He had watched The Blob with Steve McQueen and was pretty sure this must be something similar. When I told him it was just a piece of artwork along the river in Milwaukee, he asked how many people it had eaten. I told him it didn’t eat people it just sat there. ‘What’s the point of that,’ he asked? I told him that it was there to look nice and brighten up people’s days. I had made it into a more dramatic black and white picture so it’d seem more interesting. ‘Black and white,’ he asked? ‘What’s black and white - it looks like what things look like to me. I don’t see how this scary thing could brighten up a people’s day!’ I guess no one checked with the dogs before picking this piece of art…

A7Riv, SEL1635GM, f/8, 1/125sec, iso640

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