A Thin Slice of Fog

20210418 A1_01120 Boston-1.jpg

Toby wasn’t sure what was going on here. He said the wall on the left looked like something from a Death Star space station in Star Wars but the right side looked like something from the Nautilus in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. He was worried about the lady because mist like that always has monsters hiding in it. He told me that the aviation code for shallow fog is MIFG which stands for ‘Monsters In Fog’ and that she was in danger.

Trying to unpack all of this I told him that the aviation code MI is from the French word ‘mince’ which means thin and modified FG which is the code for Fog. I said it had nothing to do with monsters, but Toby was unconvinced.

I told him the lady wasn’t in danger because there was no fog when I took the picture, that she was from one of my Amsterdam pictures and that this photo had been taken in Boston. He said, ‘Just because she is from Amsterdam doesn’t mean a monster couldn’t get her!’ I told him again there was no one there when I took the picture and there was no fog either - I simply added those elements to make the story I wanted to tell. He said he didn’t like my story and that it was too scary…

A1, SEL1635GM, 16mm, f2.8, 1/125sec, iso400

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