Thor's Pantry

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Toby wanted to know what that thing was in front of the White House. He said it was odd the President would let it block his pretty view. I had to tell him that while that building was white, it wasn’t a house nor where the President lived.

When I told him it was a barn and he was looking at a farm where they grew food, he got excited. ‘Food is good,’ he exclaimed! ‘But what is that thing,’ he asked? I told him it was a silo and farmers stored food there. He thought that was a marvelous idea. He said it looked big enough that it would take him a few days to eat it all.

‘Why don’t we have one of those,’ he asked? ‘You only have a little bucket of food for me. I’m always worrying it’ll will run out and I’ll go hungry. Don’t you realize the amount of emotional distress you cause me?’ I told him that if he thought he was looking at Valhalla that I could arrange for him to go visit…

A1, SEL100400GM, 400mm, f/5.6, 1/500sec, iso160

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